Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Our men meet for a weekly Bible study on Saturday mornings throughout the year. The decline in our society is directly linked to the failure of men accepting their God-given responsibilities. When men lead and love the way God has called us to, our families, church, communities, and society will thrive! But we can’t do it alone…we need each other’s support and encouragement.

Service Projects
Our men are striving to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those around us. Whenever a need is brought to our attention, we work together to meet that need if possible. Our desire is to love others the way that God has loved us! If you would like to help us meet some of those needs, please join our team!
Events and Retreats
Our men love to eat, work, and play together! So, we plan a men’s retreat a couple of times a year to get away from our routines for a weekend, and we also do special events like meals and movie nights in order to build deeper relationships with one another. The focus is always on supporting and encouraging one another, so, if you like to eat, work, and play, you should come and join us!